Module std::rand [] [src]

Unstable (rand)

: use rand from


chacha [Unstable]

The ChaCha random number generator.

distributions [Unstable]

Sampling from random distributions.

isaac [Unstable]

The ISAAC random number generator.

reseeding [Unstable]

A wrapper around another RNG that reseeds it after it generates a certain number of random bytes.


AsciiGenerator [Unstable]

Iterator which will continuously generate random ascii characters.

ChaChaRng [Unstable]

A random number generator that uses the ChaCha20 algorithm [1].

Closed01 [Unstable]

A wrapper for generating floating point numbers uniformly in the closed interval [0,1] (including both endpoints).

Generator [Unstable]

Iterator which will generate a stream of random items.

Isaac64Rng [Unstable]

A random number generator that uses ISAAC-64[1], the 64-bit variant of the ISAAC algorithm.

IsaacRng [Unstable]

A random number generator that uses the ISAAC algorithm[1].

Open01 [Unstable]

A wrapper for generating floating point numbers uniformly in the open interval (0,1) (not including either endpoint).

XorShiftRng [Unstable]

An Xorshift[1] random number generator.


Rand [Unstable]

A type that can be randomly generated using an Rng.

Rng [Unstable]

A random number generator.

SeedableRng [Unstable]

A random number generator that can be explicitly seeded to produce the same stream of randomness multiple times.