Module core::str::pattern [] [src]

Unstable (pattern #27721)

: API not fully fleshed out and ready to be stabilized

The string Pattern API.

For more details, see the traits Pattern, Searcher, ReverseSearcher and DoubleEndedSearcher.


use prelude::v1::*;
use cmp;
use usize;


CharEqPattern [Unstable]
CharEqSearcher [Unstable]
CharPredicateSearcher [Unstable]

Associated type for <F as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher.

CharSearcher [Unstable]

Associated type for <char as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher.

CharSliceSearcher [Unstable]

Associated type for <&[char] as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher.

EmptyNeedle [Unstable]
StrSearcher [Unstable]

Associated type for <&str as Pattern<'a>>::Searcher.

TwoWaySearcher [Unstable]

The internal state of the two-way substring search algorithm.


MatchOnly [Unstable]

Skip to match intervals as quickly as possible

RejectAndMatch [Unstable]

Emit Rejects regularly

SearchStep [Unstable]

Result of calling Searcher::next() or ReverseSearcher::next_back().

StrSearcherImpl [Unstable]


CharEq [Unstable]
DoubleEndedSearcher [Unstable]

A marker trait to express that a ReverseSearcher can be used for a DoubleEndedIterator implementation.

Pattern [Unstable]

A string pattern.

ReverseSearcher [Unstable]

A reverse searcher for a string pattern.

Searcher [Unstable]

A searcher for a string pattern.

TwoWayStrategy [Unstable]